Archive for 2011

Grinding microstakes on pokerstars

Last night I felt like playing poker so I deposited $10.20 aud into my account. I lost a couple of sit n go's (mini tournament for you poker newbies) and decided to play in a $1.10 and $2.20 tournament. I ended up winning $37 from the first tournament and came 4th in the second, winning myself $1000

I guess I've for money to buy supplements again!! Hehehe

Saturday workout

Well, I hoped for it not to be hot last night and it ended up raining quite heavily today! I worked out my back and triceps today. I'd say I didn't get much done because I wasn't following my routine but I got a good tricep burn out of it :)


I need to get my hair cut.

Grilled Georgie breast

Ack! Today was mighty hot. 33 degrees Celsius (91.4 Fahrenheit for you American's). I was planning on going gym but Andrew messaged me to see if I wanted to go to the pool. I was quite surprised that there was hardly anyone at the pools, which is a good thing! Because such as myself needs more space to splash around water!!!!!

I think I'll go to the gym tomorrow and work out my legs and back if I'm not lazy. (Missed out 2 days this week) Hope it's not hot tomorrow.

My pecs are reaching equillbium

I had my second last exam today, chemistry, in the morning at 9. I got roughly 5 hours of sleep but I felt rather fine. The exam didn't seem that hard.. or maybe it's because I don't know that much..? We'll see.

Headed off to the gym after the exam and did my chest, bi's and abs today. I thought I would have been too fatigued from my lack of sleep and the exam but I wasn't, I got quite a good pump :)

Checked the mailbox before and I received my samples from bulknutrients for a facebook status contest kinda thing! woohoo!

What a sweaty day.

I had two of my exams today, further and psych. I didn't do too good on both of them left out 10 marks for each exam roughly :( I don't think I can get into Monash science at Clayton anymore.. And every other institute requires math methods for their science courses. Sigh, I got screwed over by my co ordinator.

I decided to go the gym after my psych exam. I don't know why I bother going in the evenings, every machine and bench is almost taken and I can't concentrate for some odd reason. It's almost like deciding whether to go for springvale festival for the 15th time in your life.

Well, two more exams to go then I can oversleep to my hearts content! Hope you guys are doing better than I am on my exams!

Deepsea Mud!

Hey my 3 followers, and fellow on readers! I had my further math exam today at 11:45. I woke up at 8:40 and studied a bit while eating breakfast before heading off to school. I didn't do too well in the exam, maybe it was because I was under prepared or too confident in myself on doing well. I'm predicting I'll get above B for exam 1.. which is disappointing.

I've only been to the gym once this week because of the exams, I could've gone today but I only got 5 hours of sleep from last night and feel too lethargic to lift heavy weights. Watched The Vampire Diaries, Big Bang Theory and Community (AWW YEAH!) when I got home. My cortisol levels are above the roof and I think I might be sick once the exams are over.

Blogging with a facial mask on me. Bye!


How to cook a shit lasagna.

Hey hey, I slept 9 hours today to make up for the lack of sleep I got yesterday (7 hours), I usually sleep for 9 to 10 hours daily but exam time calls for sleep deprivation! I ended up waking at 1pm.
I spent two or three hours preparing lasagna today and here's the final product.. there wasn't enough meatsauce, therefore a lack of moisture on the edge of the sheets..

My first exam is tomorrow! I don't feel nervous? Maybe that's because I'm under prepared.


Inception music makes everything better.

Some of you guys might have heard of the "Mozart effect", where studies (Mothers?) have concluded that if your young born baby listens to Mozart he or she may gain a few IQ points. Well, I think the same thing could apply for Hans Zimmer compositions, the man is a bloody genius. I'll be studying and working out to his pieces from now on.

I love how he only plays 4 chords on the piano but it produces such a gratifying feel to the song.

I've been self learning some business maths for my upcoming Further math exams. It's quite frustrating that Cambridge has screwed up the 3rd edition of the book by including answers from the 2nd edition with some altered questions. A day and a bit till my English exam and I haven't even written any practice pieces apart from the two from class a week ago.

I ordered a Chopper towel for about $7 a few weeks ago and it arrived yesterday. If you don't know who chopper is.. I recommend you to watch One Piece! It's by far the best anime out there and it still has 10 more years to go.

So I was telling my sister to take a picture of my back and my mum was standing in the kitchen and was like "show me your back! You got a tattoo didn't you?" and I was like "no..I'm just telling her to take a picture of my back" LOL! And then she ranted on about getting more tattoos (Which I will inevitably).



I hate mondays. Not really, but Garfield does.

Hello hello, I'm feeling pretty good today! I think it might just be me, but I think weetbix tastes heaps better when it's a new box? Any who, today I tried eating weetbix with honey. MMM It's pretty nice! But I wouldn't recommend it if you want to lose weight because of the extra calories!!
Today's workout was alright. I guess it wasn't that good because I ran out of jack3d and don't have any money to buy any atm :(
I lowered the weight I was using for bench press last week because I'm not really getting a pump in my chest after workouts when doing 5x5. I feel that 3-4x8 hits my chest harder.

My auntie and her husband came over to eat dinner. They brought oysters but I only ate one.. mmm the bitterness of the sauce was nice. My uncle-inlaw is such a talker LOL p.s his hungarian.

I'm trying to learn this song on guitar at the moment, it's quite a nice tune.

Thanks to tiffany for giving me some spotlight in her blog ^_^
Check her blog out Here and also my girlfriends infrequently updated blog LOL Here

Tight forearms

I wasn't going to go gym today but I ended up going as I've been going 3x a week for the past 3 months so I didn't want to break my routine. I ended up going later than usual, 5pm. Halfway there and Melbourne's weather took a turn and started raining as per usual. I didn't get soaked that much. Did my core routine, deadlifts then rows but today I couldn't do curls! My forearms were so tight!! I couldn't even stretch them :( I think I might allocate a day just for my arms when exams are over.

This weeks progress

Monday was a great day for my chest, the total weight lifted increased for my bench but my triceps were sluggish. Must be because of the awesome work out I did on the previous work out (see the previous blog)

I actually didn't want to go to the gym on Wednesday but ended up going anyway because my girlfriend encouraged me to. It was her birthday on the day as well! HBD baby :)
Performed front squats, leg presses, leg extensions. Overall great burn in the quads that day but my hamstrings didn't get much work. I couldn't get the laying down leg curls to work.

100kg deadlift!

Woo! It feels great to be repping sets of 100kg deadlifts! I think I started on 50kg deadlifts the first time I did them.

Any who, I went to the gym later than I usually do today.

2x5 - 75kg
3x5 - 100kg

Tbar rows:
2x8 - 35kg
1x8 - 50kg, I didnt feel like I was getting enough ROM from this weight so I lowered it.
4x8 - 45kg

Iso-lateral pull downs:
1x8 - 25kg
1x8 - 20kg

BB curls:
4x8 - 17.5kg
3x8 - 10kg
My biceps are feeling so pumped up right now!! I couldn't wash my face properly before!

Tricep rope pulldowns:
3x8 - level 8. Not too sure what wright this corresponds to.
I observed a guy with massive arms do them, he performed them different to the usual way where you pull the rope outward. He twisted his arm into a flexed arm position. So I copied what he did and it felt amazing!

Today's session felt amazing. Arms are still feel pumped even though 20 minutes have passed!!

Leg day!

So this is my first official blog related blog (What?). Today was my first attempt at doing front squats (see below)

I tried doing it with just the bar(20kg) in a crossed arm position and found it relatively light so I added 5kg to each side and still found it relatively easy. But when I added 10kg to each side.. oh boy! I was sweating heaps! I went over to the 45 degree leg press after my front squats and did 1x8 100kg and then 3x8 120kg (legs are really weak!) After that I did leg extensions, hamstring curls and benched with Victor.

Overall today was a pretty good effort.

Sidenote: My quadriceps are smaller than my hamstrings at the moment so my legs are fairly weak compared to others.
Weight: 62.4

Most recent picture of me (September 23 Oct 2011)
What do I need to work on more?

First entry

Hey guys (I'm probably going be talking to myself for the few days since I have no followers lol!), I'm starting this blog to keep track of my gains from weight lifting and maybe inspire a few people along the way. I'm about 12 weeks in of my training regime and feels great to be honest.
I'll be uploading progress pictures, lifting stats, my diet and pictures of things I eat!
I hope you'll enjoy my blog!